
Creating a Heart Shape with HTML and CSS

Avatar of Kosal Ang

Kosal Ang

Fri Jan 12 2024

Creating a Heart Shape with HTML and CSS

In this tutorial, we'll explore a simple yet elegant way to craft a heart shape using HTML and CSS. Follow the steps below to bring a charming heart to life on your webpage:

HTML Code:

1<div class="heart"></div>

CSS Code:

1.heart {
2  position: relative;
3  width: 200px;
4  height: 200px;
5  background-color: red;
6  transform: rotate(-45deg);
7  margin: 50px;
11.heart::after {
12  content: '';
13  position: absolute;
14  width: 200px;
15  height: 200px;
16  background-color: red;
17  border-radius: 50%;
20.heart::before {
21  top: -100px;
22  left: 0;
25.heart::after {
26  top: 0;
27  left: 100px;

Now, by combining these HTML and CSS snippets and opening the HTML file in a web browser, you'll witness a visually appealing heart shape. Feel free to experiment with dimensions, colors, and styles to make it uniquely yours!

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